Realm Riser : Mid Development

*Mid  Development* 

Frame of Mind 

Godot, that you?? Yeah, I caught the open-source bug. Aside from indulging in far too much  “Unity is XYZ!” discourse, I began trying to find ways to incorporate a sense of liveliness into Realm.  

Things That Worked 

  • Level colliders and structure
  • Event Triggers
  • NPC follow player  -  I toyed with a flock of NPCS around Player1  implementation, but it wasn't really right for the game flow, so I stuck with a single “QuestGiver” NPC follow player.  This may be cool to work with in another place and time. 

Things That Didn’t Work (Yet!)

  •   I spent a few days trying to implement a robust and rather intermediate Quest System (link here) and ultimately had to scrap all the code as it was going to take far more time than I had allotted to flesh out this apparatus. It always hurts to resign precious woman-hours into the “legacy” folder, but such is life. Some things just aren’t meant to be where they aren’t.