A downloadable game

*Quick Intro*

Welcome To Recollection Redux,  a marriage of art history, surrealism, and science fiction. RecRed is slated to become my long-term passion project born out of the desire for players to participate in a playful yet poetic gameplay experience. Through riddles and player ingenuity, we can uncover a larger worldbuilding narrative around our main character Reconstruction, and the world encompassing them.

Phase 1 took place over a series of 3 months, where the core foundations of the game were laid.

 Any in-depth information regarding these aforementioned processes is found in the logs titled Phase 1 Early, Middle & Late Development. 

I usually reveal progress markers like the development pipeline, game demo video, UML structure, and design documentation towards the end of a major phase. Those should be present around the end of a Phase “X” Devlogs titled “Phase “X” Looking Glass: Documentation” 

The subsequent Phase 1 Devlogs will be retrospective, however, I aim to construct Phase 2 Devlogs in real-time, providing any and all updates herein, monthly.  Check back every so often for something new. 

Thank you for accompanying me as I bring Recollection Redux to life. 

All the sweet dreams, 



Development log

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